East Asia has become a pretty big part of my life somehow. Having myself spent a year there, and looking at another year(2010 Japan or bust!), and a handful of family and friends who have either lived/are living/will be living there it seems understandable. This has also provided ample opportunity to cook Asian foods.
As we speak I'm letting some chicken defrost so I can make peanut butter and teriyaki wings, and am going to try to make some peanut tofu noodles.
So here's how what I used;1 can Coconut Milk (Asian Food Store, or maybe Superstore)
1/4 c. Smooth Unsweetened Peanut Butter
1/4 c. Red Curry Paste
1/2 Tbsp Salt
2 Tbsp White Vinegar
3/4 c. White Sugar
1/2 c. Water
And here's what I did;Put it all in a pot, and brought it to a soft boil. Whisked it all together until it was smooth, and there were no chunks of curry paste or peanut butter. Let it simmer for a couple minutes, and it was done.
What now you might ask. As I mentioned I'm making Thai peanut noodles, which I can't wait to try with some sort of mango drink this summer, and wings(let them marinate for a couple hours). It's rumored to be good on fries and I would imagine would add to nay stir fry.
The best thing about the peanut sauce is the mix of flavours you get;
Salty [x]
Sweet [x]
Spicy [x]
Tonight I'll be going to pick up some cream cheese so I can make mini cheesecakes, and will post about that at some point. But until then, If I'm not mistaken, the answer's bacon.