As most have seen on fb, I am living in a small apartment that consists of a corridor leading to a bedroom. Along the corridor one can find such exciting things as a mini fridge, microwave, shower, laudry machine and toilet room. A large portion of my time thus far has been spent furnishing the apartment further, buying pots and pans, utensils, soap, and other such goods.

I have also learnt a lot in the past few days about myself. For example, I love grocery stores, but hate having to go for groceries. It seems I cannot fond what I'm looking for anywhere. These items more particularly non-processed cheese and icing sugar. I have hatched an evil plan to make friends with a baker and find out where they buy their ingredients.
I suppose that would be it for now.
It's a wide entrance, small exit like a funnel, so deep it's picked up on radios in tunnels